Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Coronation Quiche

 What ho, old pals! Spiffing day for it, don’t you think? I was sitting in Aunt Agatha’s morning room one afternoon partaking in a splendiforous afternoon tea, which as you will have guessed is most certainly the best time of day for such things, when a thought hit me sideways across the old barnet. Jeeves would know if that’s the correct word as he’s the true wordsmith, I’m just a humble Wooster, from a long line of humble Woosters all the way back to William the Conqueror, or so I’m led to believe. 

In any case Jeeves has been getting his gander up about quiche of all things. I said there are more important things in the world, but he wouldn’t have it, and demanded in an officious manner what indeed is more important ! That man is getting above is station, I will have to give him a good talking to one of these days, and let him go his own way. Anyway, he spluttered words in my direction that I could hardly comprehend. 

“Coronation Quiche, my lordship!”

Quiche! Quiche! What has got into the man? He should concern himself with women’s rights, white privilege, and saving the planet because as we all know they are the most important concerns of our time. If we just run around shouting about quiche, and to top it off Coronation Quiche at that, the world will go up in smoke far quicker than Aunt Agatha’s yearly stipend. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Are you a Bear or a Bull?

 I am a Bear that wants to be a Bull....not necessarily all the time, I don't want to be charging all the time, but I know that i will get to where I want if I make things happen in life, and surely this is what being a Bull is all about. It is similar to the idea of being a Rhinoceros in the books by Scott Alexander:

  • thick skin like a Rhino so people's words bounce off you
  • keep on charging forward like a Rhino
  • believe like a Rhino so you are always charging forward and making progress
In the business I am now in there is a special meaning to the words Bear or Bull, and being one or the other is not a value judgement - it is neither good or bad to be a Bull or Bear. 

You can join the business and earn a nice income, and certainly one giving you better results on your money than a savings account, and there is no obligation to tell anyone else about the business. In this case you are a Bear. You can go into hibernation if you want to, go for a run or bike ride, or go to your job, but you will still be earning five days a week from the business as a Bear.

This is a slow way to earn, but it is reliable and is certainly preferable to a scatterbrained Bull charging for a day who then gets distracted by a YouTuber, and then goes into something else, and says "well, you know, that other business is not as good as people say, this one is far better". And perhaps after another week or so they are looking at something else entirely, and saying the same things about their "new" business venture to their latest business partners.

But a real Bull keeps charging in the same business. They do not switch from one thing to another. They have belief in their business because they have seen the results from other people, and believe they can get the same. Maybe not as quick as someone else, but that is not important.

The important point is that you stay on track, and do not compare yourself to other people. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Dreams of Running

 Running for me has always been about personal freedom. You are alone with your thoughts and your trainers. You can decide to go a different route if you want to, you can be out for an extra hour if you like. Of course, most people do not have this freedom. They have to go to work, or be somewhere at a certain time. Making the time to do something you love is important, and I think it is more important than working for a paycheque. 

Running opens my mind to the possibilities of life. It allows me to dream. Sometimes in my mind's eye I am flowing along the pavement, I feel nimble and strong as though it is the best thing in the world. 

Running enhances my day and my life. 

My goal is to enjoy life, enjoy running and follow new possibilities in life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Personal Boundaries

 To have more you have to become more. 

You have to give more, look to the stars, dream more. You have to reflect more, but turn this into relevant action. Action that can help you.

Listening to others can be one of the worst things in life. They may say you need to be realistic, that you need to do this, or do that. They may bother you and nag you. People like this you need to run away from. Only you know what you need to do, listen to yourself and you will find the answer.

Advice can be good if the person who gives this advice has done what you want to do. Even so it will only benefit you if you look to that person and ask for help or advice. If they want to give this help or advice without asking I see this as interfering, telling someone what to do, and someone you should steer clear of. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Looking for a Magic Money Tree

Many people are looking for an opportunity to earn more money especially with the situation with Covid this past year. People have been told to stay at home, and work from home. This is fine if you can do your job from home, but of course many people cannot. So, the Government has spent huge sums propping up businesses and helping people financially. Of course this money has to come from somewhere, and the Government will want to increase taxes in someway. As Theresa May said, there is no magic money tree. 

Earning money doesn't have to be difficult. It is the perception that it is difficult, that it will be a struggle, that you are not as good as someone else that makes it so. You create a blockage in your mind because of your thought processes. This is why self-esteem, confidence and belief are so important. And jealousy, competition hold you back in all areas of life. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

I am not an Alcoholic

I am not an alcoholic:
I am just a man
A man who can.
Taste the beer,
      it’s ok
      it’s ok.

Drink the wine,
       mighty fine
       mighty fine.

I can take or leave it,
but I take it every time;
    everyday is my way
of toasting the earth in all its Beauty;
soaking in all the complex sights and aromas;
One drink that’s all I ask.

One drink, and Another,
Why not another?
It broadens the mind
Leads to more of its kind. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Brexit and Bacon

Quote from FT : The prime minister, fortified by a brunch of bacon and sausage rolls, headed for Brussels.......

He returned with a cart full of Spanish pigs that squealed at the prospect of being eaten by 600 elected representatives of a savage nation, who had voted to leave the European Union many years ago, but the prospect of leaving their comfort zone surrounded by hostile but supportive foreign friends was too much to bear. They ate garlic and couldn’t understand roast potatoes and traditional English roast dinner, so they understood why people wanted to go their separate ways, but to be alone in the world and to embrace new and exotic trade deals was too frightening and different. 

But Boris the Spider said everything was going to be fine, and he was charming in a certain indescribable oafish way. Quite the orator, you might say. And a bacon lover able to get all manner of pigs to do as he said. So when he said he was going to get a Deal even his enemies looked up from their pork pies with dread. If that’s what The Spider said well who could argue, and who could stop him??

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

I want to be your man

I’m jealous of your mother 
I’m jealous of your father 
I’m jealous of myself when I spent time with you. 

Please don’t hold it against me
I only want to be with you. 

I want to know you every way I can.
I want to be with you 
All day and all night. 
I’m there when you turn out the light 
And with you 
Every bright, brilliant day. 

I hope you understand 
I want to be your man. 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

I choose Love

I choose Love.
I throw off Fear.
I embrace You and
all life can show me.

I choose positivity.
I reject shame and Guilt
     in all its guises.
I choose energy

And Love Everlasting.

I believe in the future

Believe in the future; the future believes in you. Matt Russell Instagram

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

I wander but I’m never lost

I wander but I’m never lost as I gaze at the night sky.
The clouds are blown away
revealing an incredible firmament
filled with millions of stars
each one burning so brightly
they fill my soul with fire;
a fire so hot I feel like I’m burning
     from the inside out.

Only you can extinguish
these intense flames that
consume my mind, body and soul.

Coronation Quiche

  What ho, old pals! Spiffing day for it, don’t you think? I was sitting in Aunt Agatha’s morning room one afternoon partaking in a splendif...